If you have visited competitor’s websites you may be confused and we are here to clear some items up. We want our customers to be in the know. If you have been told you cannot have a Home based FFL, this is not entirely true. Many people can still get home ffls if not prohibited by local zoning requirements and most of the time those situations can be worked with. Next, there is some competitors making FALSE statements that you have to be a gunsmith or licensed firearms instructor to have a Home FFL. This simply is NOT true.
The BATF has NOT passed legislation requiring this and the ATF does NOT reconize certificates for Gunsmithing nor Firearms instruction certificates. This is simply a ploy to up sell a unaccredited, useless, gunsmith or
firearms instruction course. If you want confirmation, simply contact the
ATF. Ask for an Industry Operations Inspector.
They will clarify this. We love to have a customer come to us after they figure out they were done wrong by other sites. However, we would rather our customers never go through this experience and deal with a reputable source in the first place. We do not sell gunsmithing courses nor firearms instruction because it’s not required. We do, however, have recommendations for courses, if you wish to take them, that will be actual training and make you a great gunsmith or instructor.
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With that said, we also want you to know we offer 24/7 access to our
support group for answering all your questions through out the
application process.
This is not offered elsewhere. We will get you answers to your questions. Answered in a timely matter, as we know the importance of you getting your application filled out correctly the first time. If a situation arises about getting your ffl, we will aggresively try to help you resolve it ASAP.
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We provide a personal consulation service to each of our members.
This personal consulation is not offered elsewhere.
Order TODAY and we are going to throw in our Wholesaler List Absolutely FREE.
This is NOT offered elsewhere and the ATF does
NOT provide this information.